Jonathan Bird's Blue World

Jonathan Bird's Blue World is an educational television program about the underwater world. The show is hosted by underwater cinematographer Jonathan Bird. This series airs on PBS stations in the US. The program is designed for family viewing, and each segment finds Bird trying to unravel a mystery, witness an animal behavior or explore an underwater environment. The first season consisted of 5 half-hour programs filmed in standard definition, and the second season contained 7 half-hour programs shot in high-definition. The second season won four New England Emmy Awards. The pilot episode from season 1 won a CINE Golden Eagle Award. Season three consists of 9 half-hour programs in HD and will be released August 29, 2011. The program is magazine format with each television episode consisting of 2-3 segments. These segments appear individually on the Blue World website as webisodes.


Season 1

Episode 1: Blue Shark Adventure, Underwater Cavern, Giants of the Depths

Episode 2: Swimming with Jaws, The Bandana Game, The Shark and the Whale

Episode 3: A Sharkwreck Mystery, Sea Cows, The Shark with the Long Tail

Episode 4: Wilma the Whale, The Prinz Eugen, The Mysterious Hammerhead

Episode 5: Airplane Graveyard, Killer Clams, The Shark and the Lamprey

Season 2

Episode 1: Aquarist for a Day, Mandarinfish, Whale sharks of Holbox

Episode 2: Manta Rays of Yap, Tropical Fish Rescue, Tiger Sharks

Episode 3: Sea Turtles, Mangroves, Wolffish

Episode 4: Cenotes of Mexico, Venomous Fish, Greenland Sharks

Episode 5: Sea Stars, The Real Nemo, Shark Feeding Frenzy

Episode 6: Lobsters, Remoras, Cayman Stingrays

Episode 7: Antarctic Adventure

Season 3

Episode 1: Blue Holes and the Georgia Aquarium

Episode 2: Goliath Groupers, Coral and Camouflage

Episode 3: Sully the Pilot Whale and Cleaning Stations

Episode 4: Sea Lions and Humpback Whales

Episode 5: Jake Learns to Dive and CuraƧao Dolphins

Episode 6: Sea Snakes, Symbiosis and Coral Spawning

Episode 7: Yucatan Sinkhole, Shark Biology and Ocean Defenses

Episode 8: Blind Cavefish, Coral Reefs, Bottom-dwelling Sharks

Episode 9: Sailfish, Potato Cod and Diver Ed

External links